International ex-Iberian equities

Focused on European companies with global reach

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Bestinver's global strategy

  • International ex-Iberian Strategy

    Our International ex-Iberian strategy invests up to 100% in global equities, although it is mainly focused on European listed companies. It does not invest in companies listed in Spain or Portugal. Our investment team selects good businesses with long-term sustainable competitive advantages that are well managed. Once identified, we wait patiently until the market allows us to invest in the company at the price we want, which will always be significantly lower than its intrinsic value.

Why invest with BESTINVER?

Bestinver, independent asset manager.

  • A proven track-record

    With more than 30 years of experience and 200 employees, we manage €5,4 bn and 46.000 investors.

    About us
  • Unique value proposition

    We are long-term equities investors and we adhere to the value investing philosophy. Our objective is to obtain long-term returns.

    Investment phylosophy
  • A seasoned, qualified investment team

    Our fund managers and analysts have an extensive and relevant experience in the financial sector and dedicate more than 40,000 hours a year to company analysis.

    Investment team

    Hard work and commitment to our investment philosophy are key to obtaining the trust of our investors.

    Awards and recognitions

Investment team

  • Tomás Pintó

    International equities fund manager

  • Jorge Fuentes

    Fund manager

Our investment team