Our Principles

Our investors come first

  • Our reason of being

    At Bestinver, the interests of our investors are our top priority. When someone entrusts their savings to Bestinver, we assume a fiduciary responsibility that is embodied in two obligations:

    - To find positive long-term returns for the savings entrusted to us.

    - To provide regular reports and explain to investors what we have done with their assets.

Our objetive

Our objective is to generate positive long-term sustainable returns. We strive to preserve capital by increasing the purchasing power of our investors over time.

Our investment philosophy

Responsible Investment in Bestinver

  • Our strong belief in responsible investment

    We want to play a role in the change towards a more prosperous, sustainable world, by seeking to increase the positive impact of our investments in society.

    At Bestinver we believe that responsible investment is not only essential to leave a better world for future generations, it is also a way to achieve better long-term returns from the funds that we manage.

    While complying with the fiduciary responsibility that we have to our clients, we are going to make a strong commitment to investment in sustainable businesses that aspire to the creation of wealth without renouncing social progress and respect for the environment.

Responsible Investment
  • “Our investment philosophy is based on fundamental analysis, appropriate risk management and an investment time horizon that is common to investors and fund managers".

Equipo de inversión

  • Mark Giacopazzi

    CIO - Chief Investment Officer

  • Tomás Pintó

    International equities fund manager

  • Ricardo Seixas

    Fund manager

  • Eduardo Roque

    Head of fixed income

  • Francisco del Pozo

    Head of Infrastructure Funds area

  • Jorge Fuentes

    Fund manager

  • Jaime Vázquez

    Senior analyst, retail sector
    Co-manager Bestinver Consumo Global

  • Colin Gibson

    Senior analyst, industrial sector

  • Ignacio Arnau

    Latam equities fund manager

  • Álvaro Llanza

    Fund manager

  • Jaime Ramos

    Manager of Bestinver Megatendencias Fund and Bestinver Norteamerica

  • Luis Peña

    Fund manager

  • Juan Díaz-Jove


  • Raquel Martínez


  • Miguel Dolz

    Analyst, retail & TMT sector
    Co-manager Bestinver Consumo Global

  • Carlos García


  • Joan Arnau


  • León Izuzquiza


  • Gabriel Megías


  • Pablo Ortea


  • Javier de la Cruz


  • José María Díaz Vallejo

    Senior Analyst

  • Javier Ortiz de Artiñano


  • Benito Artiñano

    Fixed income fund manager

  • Joaquín Álvarez-Borrás

    Fixed income fund manager

  • Miguel Molina

    Fixed income fund manager

  • Nicolás Robles

    Infrastructure Fund Team
    Investment Director

  • Diego Martialay

    Infrastructure Fund Team

  • Alejandra Llanza

    Infrastructure Fund Team

Nuestro equipo de inversión